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Ning, also known as Gao Zhen-Ning, is a professional League of Legends player from China who


Ning, also known as Gao Zhen-Ning, is a professional League of Legends player from China who currently serves as the manager of Invictus Gaming's LoL esports team. His success in both playing and managing the game make him an expert in how to equip players with the best possible gear for success. In this article, we will analyze Ning's recommended builds for different champions in League of Legends and explain his reasoning behind them.

Ning's Philosophy on Item Builds

Ning's approach to item builds centers around maximizing his team's strengths and reducing their weaknesses. He believes that synergy between the team's composition and itemization is critical to success. When building items for a champion, Ning considers their unique strengths and weaknesses and the composition of the team. He also takes into account the opponent's composition and how the item build can counter them. This strategic thinking is essential to creating the best possible item builds for any champions in the game.

Ning's Recommended Item Builds

Jarvan IV

As a top-tier jungler, Jarvan IV is a reliable pick in most team compositions. Ning recommends building Jarvan IV with a core item build consisting of Cinderhulk, Black Cleaver, and Knight's Vow. Cinderhulk provides Jarvan with additional health, making it easier to initiate fights and survive through the enemy's focus. Black Cleaver increases his physical damage, allowing him to penetrate the enemy's armor and deal more damage. Knight's Vow is an excellent defensive item that transfers a portion of the damage from his teammate to himself, ensuring his carries stay alive longer during team fights.

If the enemy team has many healing champions, Ning suggests building Executioner's Calling or Morellonomicon on Jarvan IV. These items reduce the healing effects of the opponent, making it easier to secure kills and prevent the enemy from sustaining through your team's damage.


Caitlyn is one of the best long-range ADC champions in the League of Legends. Ning recommends building her with the core items of Infinity Edge, Rapid Firecannon, and Bloodthirster. Infinity Edge increases her critical strike damage, allowing her to deal massive damage with each hit. Rapid Firecannon further extends her already exceptional range, allowing her to hit enemy champions from even further away. Bloodthirster provides her with the sustain she needs to stay alive in team fights while also increasing her attack damage.

However, if the enemy team has many assassin champions or has a strong dive composition, Ning suggests building Guardian Angel or Phantom Dancer on Caitlyn. These items provide additional defense and make it harder for the enemy to burst her down in team fights.


Fiora is an excellent champion at taking down tanks and bruisers in a one-on-one fight. Ning recommends building Fiora with a core item build consisting of Ravenous Hydra, Trinity Force, and Guardian Angel. Ravenous Hydra gives her additional life steal and allows her to clear waves much faster. Trinity Force provides her with extra attack speed, defense, and movement speed, making her incredibly versatile in team fights. Guardian Angel is an essential item for Fiora because it allows her to revive after being killed, making it likely that she can take out her enemies even when outnumbered.

If the enemy team has a lot of CC, Ning suggests building Mercury's Treads or Quicksilver Sash to mitigate the negative effects of crowd control. These items will increase Fiora's chances of surviving in team fights by giving her more time to deal damage to the enemy.


Zoe is a powerful mage champion that excels at dealing massive burst damage. Ning recommends building her with a core item build consisting of Luden's Echo, Sorcerer's Shoes, and Rabadon's Deathcap. Luden's Echo provides her with additional ability power and mana while also increasing her mobility. Sorcerer's Shoes provide additional magic penetration that allows her to penetrate even the strongest magic resistances. Rabadon's Deathcap is essential for Zoe because it provides her with a significant increase in ability power, which greatly enhances her burst damage potential.

If the enemy team has many tanks, Ning suggests building Liandry's Torment or Void Staff to penetrate their high levels of magic resistances. These items will make it easier for Zoe to deal damage to the enemy's frontline and eliminate them from the fight.


Ning's item builds and recommendations are derived from his deep understanding of the game's mechanics and his experience as a professional player and manager. When building items for champions, it is crucial to consider the team composition, the opponent's composition, and the unique strengths and weaknesses of each champion. By following Ning's recommendations, players can maximize their chances of success and gain a competitive edge in League of Legends esports.